Call external APIs in your chat flows
This page contains information about how you can call external APIs in your chat flows.
Last updated
This page contains information about how you can call external APIs in your chat flows.
Last updated
Currently, the API chat component is only being supported for WhatsApp Bot, Coming soon for the rest of the channels.
An external API (Application Programming Interface) refers to a set of rules and protocols that allow one software application to interact and communicate with another external software system, service, or platform. It enables different software programs to access and exchange data and functionalities seamlessly, even if they are developed by different organizations or run on different servers.
There are several types of APIs, each serving specific purposes and use cases.
We are currently supporting the JSON-based RESTful APIs with the API key, JWT Token, or public APIs
Here is the flow for using the APIs in the Chatflows
To seamlessly integrate APIs into your chat flows in Reekolect, follow these steps:
Log in to your Reekolect account and access the dashboard.
From the side navigation bar, locate and click on "More."
Within the "More" section, select "Developers."
Before proceeding, ensure you have added all the necessary custom attributes that you'll require for the API interactions. Custom attributes will help capture and manage data. Refer to the doc before creating and managing the custom attributes
In the "Developers" section, find "Your APIs" and click on "Add API" at the top right corner.
Under "Configure APIs," set the following details. The structure is similar to Postman for testing APIs:
API Name: This is the display name for the API, used for better readability within Reekolect.
API Method: Specify the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT).
Enter API URL: Provide the URL for the API you intend to call.
Query Parameters: Add any required query parameters.
Headers: Include necessary headers for the API.
Body: Define the request body if needed.
Note: If you want to insert custom variables within the API, use "/" as a placeholder. However, for the initial setup, you'll need to enter the actual values to test the API and save the response structure.
Proceed to "Manage API Response" and click on "Test" the API with actual values. This will help Reekolect understand the API response structure.
In the "Manage API Response" tab, you can map the API response variables to your Reekolect custom attributes.
If required, replace the actual values in your API configuration with the custom attributes that you've mapped.
Navigate to your Bot's chatflow by clicking on "Edit your Chatflow" under the "Bots" section.
In the list of chat components, choose the "API" chat component.
In the right panel, call the API by selecting the API you've configured earlier by its name.
Map the next question based on your API's response code (e.g., 200, 300, etc.). If the API response code doesn't match any predefined values, it will trigger the response mapped to "others."
And you're done! Your API is ready to enhance your chatbot's functionality and provide dynamic interactions based on API responses.