Bot Settings FAQs
This section contains all FAQs related to the Bot Settings.
Last updated
This section contains all FAQs related to the Bot Settings.
Last updated
After you log in,
Navigate to Bots
Select the Bot you want to configure
Select the Bot Settings
Click On The Design
Tab. Here you can customize the position of your chatbot on your website as well as on mobile devices.
After you log in to the Reekolect App, Navigate to the Bot Setting
under the bot's menu.
1. Go to the Bot Settings and open Alerts
the tab.
2. Check if you have subscribed to the desktop notifications or not?
3. If yes, You will see the below confirmation.
Disable Notifications
A. Open your website settings by clicking on the lock icon on the top left, as shown below
B. Click on the button to open the settings; once you click on it, You will see the option to disable notifications.
C. Disable the notifications, and you are done! You will not receive any notifications now.
Please Note:
This action will not disable the Live chat request Notifications.
Changing Live chat button Text
To change the text for transferring chat to live agent, Follow the below steps.
Navigate to Bot's Setting for "Chat Window" under "Website Chatbot Settings".
Select the "Display name for Transferring to Live/Agent chat" and Edit the field as per the text you want \
Once you are done, Your new text will appear like this.
Changing the Waiting Message
If you want to change the waiting message ( Usual reply time: 2 to 3 Minutes ), You can change the same from the