Configure Chat Status
This page contains the information on how can we configure the chat status
Last updated
This page contains the information on how can we configure the chat status
Last updated
Status can be assigned to the user chats and contacts for better organizing and management. These Status are also very useful to filter your data and creating groups etc.
Log in to your Reekolect account and access the dashboard.
On the side navigation bar, locate and click the "More" button.
From the dropdown menu, select "Account Settings."
In the Account Settings section, find and click on the "Custom Status" tab.
Here, you'll find a list of all your status. You can edit, delete, bulk delete, and add new status from this tab.
To add a new status, click the "Create tag" button \
Enter the status name and Status color code
Click "Create status".
The status will be created and appear on the inbox sections as well as status table.