
Gain deep insights into your chatbot's performance with the Analytics Panel.

Analytics Panel Guide

As you explore the Analytics Panel, you’ll gain valuable insights into your chatbot’s performance. This guide will cover:

  • What is the Analytics Panel and its uses?

  • How to understand and extract valuable information from the data?

  • Explanation of key terminologies

What is the Analytics Panel?

The Analytics Panel in Reekolect is a powerful tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into your chatbot's performance. It tracks essential metrics such as the total number of messages exchanged, WhatsApp conversations, and the number of leads generated.

By utilizing the Analytics Panel, you can:

  1. Monitor Engagement – Track the overall activity and user interactions with your chatbot.

  2. Assess Lead Generation – Measure how effectively your chatbot is converting users into leads.

  3. Identify Trends – Recognize patterns in user interactions and chatbot performance.

  4. Evaluate Performance – Analyze chatbot activity on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

  5. Optimize Chatbots – Make data-driven decisions to enhance chatbot functionality and user experience.

The Analytics Panel plays a critical role in ensuring that your chatbot remains efficient and continues to meet business objectives.

Key Terminologies

Here are some important terms you will come across while using the Analytics Panel:

  1. Leads – New users who have shared their contact information during a chat with the bot.

  2. Paid Conversations – Conversations initiated by an admin.

  3. Free Conversations – Conversations initiated by an end user.

  4. Current Billing Cycle – The duration of the chatbot’s active subscription plan.

  5. AI Messages – Messages generated by AI-based responses.

  6. Total Messages – The number of messages sent by the chatbot (excluding user messages).

Accessing the Analytics Panel

To access and manage chatbot analytics:

  1. Visit the Reekolect Dashboard.

  2. Click on "Analytics" in the left sidebar.

Insights Available in the Analytics Panel

1. Messages

Displays the total number of messages consumed during the current billing cycle. Messages from WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook bots are excluded.

2. WhatsApp Conversations

Shows the total number of WhatsApp conversations recorded during the billing cycle.

3. AI Messages

Provides insights into the total number of AI-generated messages exchanged.

4. Leads

Displays the total leads generated during the billing cycle.

5. Your Bots

  • View all the chatbots created under the account.

  • See the number of messages exchanged and leads generated per chatbot.

  • Option to edit or delete chatbots.

Analytics Overview

1. Messages & Leads

  • View the total number of messages and leads since account creation.

2. Analytics Summary

  • Track trends in chatbot interactions, including the total number of messages and leads generated.

  • Filter data by specific bots or all bots.

  • Choose between daily, weekly, or monthly trend analysis.

3. Bot-Wise Analytics

  • View chatbot-specific analytics, including the total number of messages and leads.

  • Choose from different time frames:

    • Current Billing Cycle

    • Current Month

    • Since Account Creation

WhatsApp Analytics

1. Total Conversations

  • Displays the total number of WhatsApp conversations between users and chatbots.

2. Free vs. Paid Conversations

  • Free Conversations – Initiated by the end user.

  • Paid Conversations – Initiated by the admin.

3. Message Delivery Metrics

  • Messages Sent – Total messages sent by the chatbot but not yet delivered.

  • Messages Delivered – Total chatbot messages successfully delivered to users.

Conversation Analytics

  • Track trends for:

    • Total Conversations

    • Paid Conversations

    • Free Conversations

  • Customize the duration and chatbot filters to focus on specific analytics.

WhatsApp Message Status

  1. Messages Sent vs. Messages Delivered

    • View trends in message delivery success.

    • Select a specific chatbot and time period for deeper insights.

  2. WhatsApp Messages by Time Frame

    • Analyze message delivery trends by day, week, or month.

By effectively using the Analytics Panel, you can optimize your chatbot’s performance, track user engagement, and improve lead conversion strategies.

Last updated